Leading an Amazing Life

This interview is with Andy Read a man of many talents. This is an amazing story that deals with self-discovery leading to transformation which results in Andy living an amazing life.

The interview starts with Andy growing up in England and joining the military at the age of 19. He gives a very detailed description of his experiences within the force which lasted 9 years. In leaving the army, he describes how he and his family adjusted to civilian life. This is an eye-opener as the transformation was not easy. With the skills he acquired from the military, we talk about his first employment opportunity outside the military which was at the Welding Institute in Cambridge, England. Also, at this time he describes the process it took to establish immigrant status that would enable him and his family to move to Canada.

There is a good account regarding the process of moving to Canada, and more importantly, how he came about an employment opportunity as a technician in the Science Workshop in the Faculty of Science at the University of Calgary. We then go into a dialogue regarding this role and what it entailed. The listener will develop an appreciation for the type of work that involves doing research in the sciences and engineering.

Andy spent three years in this position as he describes to the one day where he was being laid off. In doing so he became self-employed doing contract work within the same area. He reveals the turmoil that this caused for him and his family by painting a realistic perspective of being an entrepreneur. Furthermore, he exposes the emotional trauma that this caused him leading to an undesirable path.

Being at a low point he then describes his turning point in life and how he discovered and developed his faith. The process of how he unites himself with his faith which leads to building his relationship with his family and establishing his new leadership role in the science workshop is talked about in detail. There is a fruitful discussion on leadership and how someone like Andy made the Science Workshop a viable and vital entity within the U of C. In establishing this success, determining the next phase in life is further discussed.

Andy conveys the next chapter in his life which is deciding to retire from the U of C. Exploring options and making the decision to pursue missionary work and what that entailed are talked about. There are examples of the work he does now and how he serves his community.

This interview will cater to anyone interested in a career in the military. Listeners interested in an area that involves prototyping, fabricating, optics, welding, and machining for science and engineering research would benefit from this episode. A candid look at entrepreneurship is talked about as well. In addition, there are many examples of leadership as Andy is a leader in many facets of his life. More importantly, it is about leaving a legacy of how we can become better, and by doing so we can benefit others as well. This is all furnished by his missionary work and serving his community. This is an open and honest interview about self-exploration. Understanding that we are more than our careers or jobs and knowing how we can all develop to find and follow our purpose will enable us to shine.


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