What A Person Can Do with A Math Degree
Alistair Bentley has an undergraduate degree in economics with a minor in math, a master’s degree in both economics and math and a doctorate in applied math. Listen to this interview as Alistair shares his experience using and developing his math skills in both the business and science worlds.

Working and Living in Silicon Valley Part 2
This is the second part of the interview with Chandler Cook. In this part he discusses the next chapter of his life which is his role with Apple. He also talks about working for these high-tech firms in the bay area and the lifestyle.

Working and Living in Silicon Valley part 1
This is a two part interview with Chandler Cook. In this interview Chandler discuses his pursuit in getting his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering and then his Master’s in Automotive Engineering, which then lead him to do his internship at Tesla leading to employment at this company.

Sales Rep, Working from Home and Making Cold Calls
This interview is with Susan Fraser and she works for Global Industrial as a sales rep. In this interview she talks about how she works from home and makes cold as she makes a lot of them.
Working in The Film Industry
Jared Stanley works in the film industry, behind the scenes making movies and shows for TV. This interview provides and good look at what he does and how productions are made.

Techy, Artistic and Personable
This is the third episode from “The Career Guy” and this week it is with Dexter Martin of Dexter Martin Photography. In this interview, Dexter explains how he took his passion for helping others combined with his artistic ability and tinkering with gadgets led him to photography.

A Multi- Disciplinary; Life Coach, Artist and Retreat Owner and Operator
This is the second episode from “The Career Guy” podcast with Joseph Bennet. He explains how he got into and developed his career as a life coach, artist and retreat owner.

The Career Guy Trailer
This the trailer that explains the premise of the podcast “The Career Guy”

Veterinarian to Teacher
This is the first episode from “The Career Guy” podcast. Amy Stanley explains how she made the transition from wanting to be a Veterinarian to an instructor.